107 Tree Top Drive
Butler, KY 41006
(859) 750-0230

A faith in farming, a faith in life.
Work Shares
We have the ability and the desire to grow beautiful things here at Faith Acres Farm. We have a faith in the land and a knowledge from lifelong farming to produce vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, meats, eggs, and other natural resources in a healthy way, giving back to the environment and extending a culture of agriculture. We are proud of our efforts and feel as if it is a gift that we were meant to share. Our grandparents, parents, and children have all grown up in a farming culture that depended on the land to provide. Our experiences allow us to share our talents and assist in the education of the community in good food, nutrition, preparation, and preservation. We look forward to having you be a part of something beautiful and are excited to meet your families and grow together.

If you wish to take part in our Work Share program, please email us at faithacresfarm_llc@yahoo.com

What are work shares, and what can I expect?
Farming can be rewarding, physically and mentally.
Our Work Shares are a great way to learn all forms of farm work performed daily. You will be exposed to learning our different types of farming techniques, to include, but not limited to hydroponic, high tunnel and field production. And, have a hand in the growth and harvest.
You will dedicate a few hours a week for the opportunity to take a share of first choice of veggies home to your family.
A dedicated work schedule is required for the share of veggies, but there is some room for flexibility. The season will likely begin in May and continue to September. Share workers will be trained on safety and processes the first of the season and we will train on how to appropriately harvest the veggies.
There will be a number of farm tasks to include planting, watering, weeding, hoeing, tending to chickens, harvesting, preparing for market and perhaps the occasional assistance with preserving our products.
Learn, first hand, how to maintain the soil, grow from seed, and many other tricks of the trade to our farm production.
Perks and Plus...
Specials will be offered at the farm which may range from our very own maple syrup, honey, egg shares, occasional meats, value-added products, cut flowers, gourds, decorative corn, and other gifts that we may come across for your pleasure. You may even find some of these items meander their way into your weekly share on occasion.
We will be hosting a few events on the farm this year and we may ask for your assistance with this event.
The first event of the year occurs annually on the first Saturday in March. Sugar Day will be an opportunity for visitors to come and see how we harvest for our Maple Syrup. The event is from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be demonstrations on tree tapping and evaporation from sap to syrup. Samples will be available.
Faith Acres always takes place in the Farmer's Feast, a fine dining event in a farm setting. The food is provided by the local farmers and prepared by our chef and table served to the diners. Faith Acres hosted the event at the farm in 2015 and 2018, but are involved with every annual feast at another local farm in the region. All proceeds go to the Pendleton County Farmer's Market.
Other events at the farm may take the form of a Summer Picnic and a Fall family gathering, further plans will be announced soon.
Our farm video blog will be starting soon and will soon be posted to this site. The Faith Acres Favorites will provide insight into farm activities, recipes and other interesting "how to" projects, and as well, we will be having visitors to our blog showing us some of their great Kentucky Proud items. An occasional visit to one of our neighboring farms may also occur as the year progresses.
Lots of fun at Faith Acres, we hope you enjoy being another part of our blessings.