107 Tree Top Drive
Butler, KY 41006
(859) 750-0230

A faith in farming, a faith in life.
We offer many services at Faith Acres Farm LLC.
Check out our Cabin tab to see our Airbnb right here on the farm. A beautiful, cozy cabin for those weekends when you just need to get away.
Customers can purchase our products direct from the farm at their leisure during our business hours at our farm store, as well as at the Pendleton County Farmers' Market. We graciously extend an invitation to the consumer to visit the farm to see where our products are produced and get the opportunity to talk to us directly about our farm practices. We strive to educate the consumer about the many benefits of locally grown and produced products.
Maple syrup production is unique to the region and we are honored to continue the family tradition of tapping, cooking, and eating some of the best maple syrup you could ever imagine.
We are very proud of our bees and beautiful honey they produce. We are blessed to have the benefit of their pollination of our crops.
Our animals are happy animals. We are very proud of our animal practices and have a sincere fondness for their welfare. Come and visit and meet some of our animal family.

Maple Syrup
"Maples know when the sap is flowing"
Maple syrup production is a Pettit family tradition. Faith Acres is busting with beautiful mature maples that bring a quality sap that produce some of the best maple syrup you will ever have the opportunity to taste.
Maple syrup is a unique item for our region, but something that you are sure to enjoy and want to bring home some Kentucky Proud maple syrup to your family.
Come and visit us during our sugar day when we will be tapping trees, collecting sap, and cooking down in the sugar shack in the sugar bush. We may even provide a sample or two to tease your palate.
Local Raw Honey
Local Raw Honey available from our bees.

Farm Store
is open seasonal hours. Please visit our Facebook page for the most up to date hours.
Veggies, strawberries, herbs, flowers, bedding plants and eggs
All our crops are started from seed right here on the farm. We plan our crops to appeal to the discriminate cook. We enjoy beautiful, tasteful, nutritious foods for our family. We take a pride in the tradition of good farm practices and like to educate and share the bounty that our faith provides.
We have happy chickens that lay fantastic brown eggs. Our chickens are free range and can provide considerable entertainment to the observer. .
In the early Spring, our greenhouse is abundant with veggie and herb bedding plants, flowers for your garden, planters and hanging planters.
Strawberries are abound in the early Spring and they are big and beautiful!
Mums, pumpkins and gourds are plentiful in the Fall.